Natalie "Neti" Hamilton, MPH

Neti is a 27-year-old Kemetic basu, houseplant stylist, environmental public health practitioner and devoted cat mom from baltimore, maryland.
 Neti specializes in working with tropical indoor houseplants.
she first became immersed in houseplants, gardening and the outdoors at a young age thanks to her father, uncle and grandfather. gardening and hiking trips were a regular part of her everyday life. in college, she was able to capitalize on this passion where she helped revitalized her university’s environmental science program. by planning and assisting in the development of several climate change and rock gardens, cultivating and reigniting her school’s greenhouse, hosting several greenhouse fundraisers, and co-leading the school’s first garden club, Neti’s green thumb blossomed.
today, Neti's passion continues as she operates her shop on the seven (7) principles of ma'at. she believes utilizing these principles encourages a sustained and balanced quality of life for both humans and our environment. she believes that owning and caring for houseplants is one way to begin to prioritize our environment in our daily decision making and lifestyles.
it is Neti’s hope this socio-cultural adaptation will increase our prioritization of our environment, increase awareness about the needs of our environment to help mitigate larger issues of climate change from the bottom up while adding a little more green to our lives.